HVFD Tanker 74 Responds to Mechanicsville House Fire
By Past Chief Charles Miedzinski (CP)
January 22, 2020
At approximately 1330 hours on Wednesday 22 January 2020, units were dispatched to the 27200 block of Thompson Corner Road in Mechanicsville for the House Fire. Tanker 74 and Captain 7 responded on the incident with a total of 5 Volunteers. First arriving units from Mechanicsville found a 1 story single family home with fire showing. Crews went to work with an interior attack on the fire. Tanker 74 and Captain 7 arrived on the scene with Captain 7 assuming the Water Supply Officer role. The crew of Tanker 74 proceeded to the scene and stood by for an assignment. The fire was knocked down quickly and the assignment was scaled back to units from Mechanicsville, Hughesville, Leonardtown, and Laplata. Tanker 74 cleared the scene and returned to service a short time later. Hughesville VFD Fire Chief 2 held the Command.
Crews making an Attack on the Alpha Side.
Crews making an Attack on the Fire.
Crews making an Attack on the Fire. Pictures of Alpha and Bravo Sides.
Fire Extinguished and Crews performing Overhaul Operations.