The Officers and Members of the Hollywood Volunteer Fire Department are please to announce that we have been awarded an Assistance to Firefighter Grant from FEMA. This Grant will be used to replace our current Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) for new NFPA 2019 Compliant SCBA. We will be purchasing approximately 45 complete Scott 5.5 SCBA's with a total of 90 cylinders. We will also be replacing our current face pieces with new updated versions of Scott Face pieces. We are expecting to place these new SCBA's in service in 2021. We are extremely grateful of FEMA selecting us to receive this Grant. With the COVID-19 pandemic that has faced everyone, Volunteers have been hit hard due to loss of income from fundraisers. This year, Hollywood VFD was no different and was unable to dodge some of the effects of COVID-19. Unfortunately we had to cancel several of our large fundraisers this year(Carnival, Independence Day Celebration, and Sportsman's Bash) that we rely on for our day to day Operational Budget. Also, we had to cancel all of our Hall Rentals due to the social distancing guidelines throughout the State. This makes being awarded this grant so much more during this time of unknown. This Grant is the 3rd Grant Hollywood VFD has received since 2006. With the ever changing technology of the Fire Service, sometimes it is hard to keep up with the most up to date standards in the Volunteer Fire Service. Applying for Grants is one of the ways we can continue to meet current and new standards that are required for the Fire Service. This is why we continue to apply for Assistance to Firefighters Grants and other Grants for the Fire Service. We would like to thank everyone involved with this process and to our Grant Writing Team at Hollywood, JOB WELL DONE! This Grant will continue to move Hollywood VFD forward and keep us up to date with the Safety of our personnel while providing the highest quality of service to our community. A big congratulations to the 2nd District Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad who were also awarded a FEMA grant earlier this month for SCBA replacement. Also, a big thank you to our community here in St. Mary's County and Hollywood, Maryland that continue to support all of the Volunteer Services in the County. Without your continued support, we would not be where we are today. THANK YOU!!! |