At approximately 1320 hours Friday, 2 June 2023, Station 7 was dispatched to the intersection of Mervell Dean Road and Clarkes Landing Road for a Motor Vehicle Accident with people trapped. With Chief 7A (Rector), Engine 73, and Truck 7 were on the air returning from Graduation, these units responded at dispatch with 10 Volunteers. Rescue Squad 7, Engine 72, and Chief 7 (Rogers) responded from the Station with 9 additional Volunteers. Chief 7A (Rector) arrived on the scene to find a 3 vehicle collision with two trapped in one vehicle and established the Hollywood Command. Rescue Squad 7 arrived and went to work stabilizing the vehicle with the person trapped. Crews deployed the HURST Jaws of Life extrication tools to free the trapped occupant using the spreaders and cutters to remove the door. The trapped occupant was extricated in 5 minutes and turned over to EMS. The second patient that was initially trapped, self extricated prior to the arrival of Rescue Squad 7. Engine 73 crew deployed a hand line for protection during the extrication. With the patient extricated, Engine 72 and Truck 7 were cleared from the call and returned to service. A total of 3 patients were evaluated by EMS. All 3 patients were deemed Traumas and EMS requested Aviation for transport. MSP Trooper 2 and 7 transported the 3 patients to the Trauma Centers. Command was terminated and Units cleared the scene and returned to quarters at 1349 hours.
A total of 19 Volunteers responded on this incident from Hollywood with Tanker 74 remaining on the air and available with 4 additional Volunteers. The Members that responded included several of the recent Graduates of Leonardtown High School. |